Tuesday, November 11, 2008

weekend retreat

So this past weekend (11/7/08) I went with a few guys from the band at church to a high school retreat our church was having. It was one of the best experiences I've ever had. There was no myspace or email or facebook or anything to waste my time. There was no tv to veg out to. I'd wake up early and sit on the dock with my bass or I'd read. When we weren't enjoying nature we would be playing music or just hanging out and having fun. It was exhilarating to feel the energy from some of these kids and just to watch them grow closer to the Lord.

Now I know in situations like this we sometimes feel a "God high" where we are filled with good thoughts and want to change the world, but a couple of days go by and that feeling fades. We got back on Sunday night and I have been very depressed since that time. It was so great being in that setting but then coming back to your regular life, nothing seems right. My head is full of questions and thoughts and nothing I do seems to quiet any of that.

I know now that there are things in my life that I can't ignore and I need to focus on getting control of. I also know that it will take time but with the help of good friends, old and new, I know I can pull through.


Charles North said...

"Nothing seems right" - I so relate!

russ said...

Yep. I go through this over and over. Getting out of the normal routine creates 'space' for us to connect with God. Our normal lives crowd that out. Also, all the crap in our lives overwhelms us and makes it hard for us to cut through... or let God cut through...

I agree that other people... friends, pastors, mentors are key. Left on my own I usually degenerate.

Thank God for good friends that are struggling right along with me, but somehow, by God's grace, are able to lift me up and challenge me.